The moments I remember

I remember the time when i wrote a poem for the first time. Amist of a small picnic spot, the breeze was flowing and there was a small spring in view. I don't know how i felt at that moment, probably i was feeling down because of something. i wrote a few lines (i don't remember them now), which started a new line of thought for me. Till now the thing that comes naturally from me and is best about me are my poems.

I remember my love each moment of the brief story of ours. It was as if i have lived a part of my life in those moments. The lack of maturity and the lack of worldly understanding of a thousand things along with our innocence made the moments we spend together the best in my life.

I remember glimses of moments that i spend with my friends, but those moments and people are very special for me. I would very soon introduce a directory of all my friends and the moments that i remember.

1 comment:

Avi Sharma said...

Fantastic blog bro and now its time for u to introduce the direct. of ur frds which u promised to all of us....